Boxing South Africa (BSA) sub-committees are going to remain in place despite the fistic regulator’s board having been dissolved by Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture Gayton McKenzie late last month. 

This was confirmed by acting BSA chief executive officer Tsholofelo Lejaka on Thursday. 

“The sub-committees continue as they were before. Remember, there’s a board that was constituted and subsequently dissolved. There are decisions that the board had taken during its stay in office and those decisions still stand,” Lejaka remarked.

“So, the ratings committee is not affected because when the board constitutes sub-committees, the lifespan of those committees is not necessarily linked to the lifespan of the board. Take for instance, the audit committee, it will straddle the lifespan of different boards.”

Lejaka added: “The medical advisory and the ratings committees, their lifespan is not linked to the board. When the board ceases to exist, it’s not a foregone conclusion that they, too, cease to exist. They are not affected.”

The sanctioning committee was headed by former BSA board member Dr Luvuyo Bayeni as its chairperson. He worked with former champions Irvin Buhlalu, Nika Kumalo and Masibulele Makepula. 

“The sanctioning committee had four members. The one who was the chairperson was a board member. Other three members are still there and they quorate,” Lejaka said. 

“In the absence of a chairperson, the committee members can designate one of them as the chairperson. In the interim, they have appointed a chairperson, Irvin Buhlalu, to continue with the job. They will continue in that way until a new board has been established. That board will be at liberty to review or reconstitute it.” – Monwabisi Jimlongo 

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