A search is on for capable individuals who will fill the two most important and powerful positions at the offices of Boxing South Africa (BSA) in Hatfield, Pretoria. 

Putting aside the court battle launched by Moffat Qithi against his sacking from BSA, the boxing regulator has not had a permanent CEO since Tsholofelo Lejaka quit in a huff in August 2020. 

Thereafter, the position was occupied Cindy Nkomo, who was BSA director of operations, on a caretaker basis. Nkomo then resigned towards the end of 2021 and former BSA board member Erick Sithole took over as acting CEO in January 2022 until December last year.

“Some time ago, the board took a decision to advertise both the positions of CEO and CFO. The adverts are going to appear on national newspapers,” BSA board chairperson Sifiso Shongwe said. 

Meanwhile, the CFO position has been vacant since Kenneth Mamosadi was murdered at his driveway in Pretoria in February this year. – Monwabisi Jimlongo 

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