A meeting which was going to be used as a catalyst to oust Boxing South Africa (BSA) manager in the Western and Northern Cape Mzoli Tempi turned into a damp squib. 

Western Cape licensees had called for a meeting where the initial item on the table was how to get rid of Tempi whom some see as a stumbling block. 

And in a twist, the licensees, 12 to be exact, failed to discuss Tempi’s ousting. Instead, they discussed matters ranging from promoters sidelining other boxers to ring officials’ mistakes. 

“A meeting held at the gym of 9 SAI was very productive and despite the cold, windy and wet weather. Issues that needed addressing were identified,” Allan Dillon, who acted as secretary, said.

“All were in agreement that more needs to be done by all stakeholders in boxing to improve the standard of boxers, trainers, managers and officials. Boxing South Africa plays a pivotal role in accomplishing this and we will be engaging them in order to get the ball rolling.” 

According to the minutes of the meeting, controversial promoter Byenda Allen Chizungu from Maxim Boxing Promotions complained about his not so cordial relationship with Tempi. However, nothing more was said about the matter. 

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