A search is on for a suitable venue, which will accommodate quite a sizeable number of people as East London has been identified as the city to host next month’s Boxing South Africa (BSA) bosberaad.
All boxing licensees are expected to attend the bosberaad, which is going to be funded by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC). Last year’s bosberaad was held in Muldersdrift, Gauteng, in June.
“Yes, there’s going to be a bosberaad next month. The aim is to bring the licensees, stakeholders and boxing experts under one roof to foster robust platform for dialogue,” a source said.
The bosberaad is slated for Thursday, 20 and Friday, 21 February. A number of pressing issues that continue to bedevil the fistic sport are going to be discussed. – Monwabisi Jimlongo